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​​​​Short-term goals

  • Integrate current efforts in advancing the state-of-the-art in seismic analysis and create a unified seismic analysis methodology deployable through codes and standards

  • Advance seismic risk assessment methodologies to include more accurate seismic analysis tools and reduce uncertainties

  • Develop and deploy seismic risk mitigation technologies, such as seismic isolation (SI)


Long-term goals

  • Develop the capability to evaluate the performance of virtual nuclear power facilities for a wide range of external hazards including multiple event scenarios, thereby allowing ow​​ners to virtually test external hazards before the facilities are subjected to real external hazards, and identify and resolve potential issues


Research ​​​activities​

​Activities at the Seismic Research Group fall into four main areas: 

  1. Development of advanced methods of seismic analysis (e.g., NLSSI methodology), risk assessment and risk mitigation (e.g., base isolation)

  2. Development of numerical tools that support the methods, including the integration of existing numerical codes and developing new codes as necessary

  3. Gathering data from experiments and instrumented facilities to validate the methods and tools

  4. Application of the verified and validated methods and tools to help owners of real facilities. Current activities of the seismic research group are listed below.
